Hey guys… its Valentine’s Day!!!! Red roses, scented candles, candlelight dinners, wrapped gifts, PROPOSALS!!!! Box of chocolates, yummy cupcakes, handwritten cards and many more will be the order of today (yaay!!). For some it will be pizza, chicken, a bottle of wine and the very important game (Real Madrid and PSG… guys are shouting yasssssss right now lol) with the plus one.
Well in the spirit of love; I have decided to share my “preaching” experience and in that show us our very first love who is really the source of TRUE LOVE. Enjoy!
I finished my exams last week Friday (Whoop Whoop….yes I’m still in school) and I took a much needed break by going home on Saturday. Towards the evening time I received a message (posted below) and I smiled but I was not going to reply until I had fully gotten myself.

IMG_1422Anyways I had to reply, I couldn’t run away any longer as I had told God earlier this year I would stop running. The ministration was fixed to be during our fellowship on Monday evening.

Monday came and I legit fell sick *you can insert a very mean laugh here*… I was tired, I had running stomach (probably an effect of the previous day’s food), headache, my mouth was bitter, I was not in the best of moods and all you can think of; oh yeah i prayed too. The fear was not just because I’m crowd phobic but also because I wanted it to be God’s word and not mine. Eventually, 9pm came; and *drumrolls*….Jesus took the stage!
Did I fidget? YESSSS….
Were lives blessed? I believe so….
Did I die? LOL No I didn’t…

Brings me to the crux of this post…. God’s Love

I began with my story; being born into a Christian home, I was guided by rules and regulations of how to be and remain moral… it was easy to be religious and not have a relationship with Christ; which is core of our salvation. For example, whenever I lied I would feel so depressed like God was super mad at me and forgiveness was far despite how much I asked for it…. Fast forward to University, I attended Covenant University (Best University in the world…Haters will say I’m lying lol). In Covenant, I saw Christianity in a different light; people were talking like they were in a love relationship with God and you hear things like “He hugged me during worship experience”… that shocked me and I wanted more that the surface which was what I had.
We read these scriptures:
John 3:16 (KJV) :
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.
Isaiah 30:20 (KJV):
“And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers:”
Jeremiah 3:12-13 (MSG):
“Turn back, fickle Israel.
I’m not just hanging back to punish you.
I’m committed in love to you.
My anger doesn’t seethe nonstop.
Just admit your guilt.
Admit your God-defiance.
Admit to your promiscuous life with casual partners,
pulling strangers into the sex-and-religion groves
While turning a deaf ear to me.’”
GOD’s Decree.
“Come back, wandering children!”
GOD’s Decree.

For Isaiah 30:20 and Jeremiah 3:12-13, you may need to read the whole chapter to really understand the depth of love He has for us despite the things we might have done. Despite the sins committed, God says all you need to do is come back, acknowledge your iniquity and I’ll forgive you because He is committed in love to you… awwwwwww that’s just awesome on all levels!

From the three verses and more that the bible contains we can draw out one thing GOD LOVES YOU!!!


We have heard it a lot of times but how often do we receive and actually believe it…. Regardless of what we have done or what we do …He loves you with a love so pure and true. Some people would say, thinking like this is a liberty to sin but really if you genuinely love someone, everyday (like today!!!) you’ll constantly think on how to please and honour your love… sin will be far from your thoughts… rather than being sin conscious, you’ll be LOVE conscious. Also, until we understand God’s love for us, we would
• Remain frustrated
• Assume God is partial as other people are growing and you think you aren’t
• Remain condemned

How do we understand God’s love for us?
1. We need to know the person; if we do not know him, how do we experience His love and also love Him back? On a group someone made this statement that stayed with me: OUR RELATONASHIP IS NOT A CHANCE STORY; ITS A DELIBERATE FAITH STORY…. We need to intentionally say yes daddy, I’m going to live for You and bask in Your love for me… John 3:16 where we read earlier said “…whosoever BELIEVETH in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” … believing is our deliberate action… In three simple words… BE BORN AGAIN
2. Study God’s word… trust me, we are all still growing…start small. Use plans, think of something you’re struggling with and study scriptures in that light (however its not limited to just these two medium).
3. Be amongst the right people…..ALWAYS: this right here is one of my biggest blessings from God. Before the ministration; if you know how I hugged my friend eh…. And she prayed!!!!
4. Write down His promises!!!!! Don’t just read and forget …write it; paste it…read it to remind yourself that GOD LOVES YOU! A wise man said “The faintest ink is more powerful than the strongest memory”

So guys!!!! Love is patient, Love is Kind….God is Love…..In this special day to that the world has tagged as a day to experience love… Remember the very first love…. If you are far from Him….The DOOR is open….it’s never too late to do right and if you are already in a relationship with God….it’s never enough to ask for a release of love afresh.

If you need to get connected to God; pray this prayer:
“Lord Jesus, i know I am a sinner, forgive me of my sins, cleanse me with Your blood. I believe You died for me and on the third day, you rose again that I might be justified. I therefore accept you today as my Lord and Saviour and I thank You for delivering me from the power of sin and satan to serve the living God. Now I know I am saved, I am born again and I am now a child of God, Amen.”

Yaaaay… welcome to the most adventurous journey of your life (if you need to talk, you can send me a mail; estheramahsola04@yahoo.com)

My valentine message is: Get connected to God today…let this be your love story…. Share love to people around you in the smallest possible way… share love to that special guy/lady (don’t make it one-sided) and don’t even give me the excuse that there is a game today. Better go for lunch since dinner time is occupied lol.
Key point…. Be love conscious today and every other day….